Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sunny Weekend

This weekend was the first proper sunny one of the year for us, so Husband decided that we should make it our mission to sort out the Bungalow's optimistically-named "sun room." He's a clever one, that Husband. By sorting out a few boxes and moving some work files under the spare bed we have created a lovely little haven. If it's even just a tiny bit sunny this room is warmer than the rest of the house, however cold or breezy it might be outside. Husband has set up his delicate or baby plants under the big windows...

...Sausages has made one end into a playroom with some of his larger toys (he loves that kitchen)...

...and I have managed to squeeze in a comfy chair for knitting in his perfect company. It's so lovely! I get the feeling Sausages and I will be spending more time in there than in the sitting room from now on. Today I had a knitting date with the Kangaroo Mummies at Anglesey Abbey, and the boys took full advantage of the wildlife discovery area:

Musical sticks

In the Treehouse

"I put this stick in, Mummy!" For me this was the best sort of afternoon. I knitted with my lovely friends, and the boys spent some quality time together while getting some exercise in the fresh air. What could be better? Oh, that's right, tomorrow is the morning Sausages and I don't have to go out in the morning, so what would be better would be if he were to sleep in until 8am. I'm just saying. 

What did you do with this gorgeous weekend? If you're overseas, what was it like where you are?


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