The instructions to pour the water straight into the carton and shake sounded a bit revolting, and when I put the resultant sludge into the tin Sausages asked why I was "cooking that bikabix?" It did smell that way, unfortunately. I ran up some guacamole to go with it, and waited for lunch...
Sadly the loaf stuck to the tin rather badly, and so came out a bit ragged, but very delicious and not weetabixy at all! Husband refused to eat it, but Sausages and I enjoyed it very much, and I'd recommend it for a morning's activity with a toddler. Activities which result in eating what you have made always go down very well in my experience! Our other culinary treat today was a toad-in-the-hole made with chorizo-flavoured sausages, which made a beautiful orange swirl in the "hole:"
Yum! What do your small children particularly enjoy cooking? Do they lick the bowl? Sausages recoils at this particular perversion, so I don't have to share the treat yet!
I hope you've had a lovely weekend!
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