I swapped out the drawstring in the pattern for a garter hem to match the sleeves and collar, and buttons to match the top. Sadly this is too small for little Bob, and will have to be packed away unworn.
I'm still enjoying Through Connemara in a Governess Cart, and have to say that while the socioeconomic attitudes of the authors are *ahem* a little dated, the writing is very engaging and humorous. I'm mostly enjoying all the little things I can relate to, such as the excellent descriptions of the weather and landscape. It's living up to my expectations in that respect. The nascent project is going to be an Aviatrix, and the yarn is my own dyed merino DK. The picture is rubbish, but the yellow and green are really quite bright and daffodilly in real life. A breath of spring for little Bob!
Happy knitting and reading!
The gown is super cute! My dear cousin is expecting her first child and I'll be casting on a gift for her this weekend. What a special treat to knit something for a little one.