Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Yarn Along

This week is half term for us, and Husband being a teacher it has been very nice to have him at home. The weather has been very wet, and we had a list of house jobs that had been waiting all half term, so there has been a lot of hanging around the house, getting things ticked off the list. I have managed some reading though, so I can join in with Ginny. I finished the two Friday Night Knitting Club books.

These were supposed to be a bit of light reading to save me from this, but despite the writing being O.K., the content is pretty dire. Pretty much the opposite of the Durham Cathedral book. When I got to the part where the mother-of-newborns breastfeeds in the toilet at their one-month celebration "for her privacy," the book spent some time on my personal literary naughty step. For goodness sake. I shall be passing these on to my local knitting group tonight, since knitting fiction seems to be becoming a bit of a trend there. Incidentally, I also finished The Last Office this week. The content of this book is so interesting, but there is no organisation, and the writing is very, very poor. I realise I sound very negative and critical, but as a lapsed academic and lover of literature I really think that my standards are just a bit too high.

The boys and I had a little trip to the library yesterday, so I took out something completely different for this week's reading:

I have already picked my way through Quick and Easy Home Sewing Projects and Stitch, Craft, Create with sticky tabs to mark projects that I want to photocopy. The latter in particular has some fantastic, easy looking projects, one of which has "Roshee's Birthday Present" written all over it. So hopefully more of that later!The woolly side of this week's yarn along is another Milo, this time for Sausages' childminder's charming son, as a thank you gift for being a big part of Sausages' life. I am really loving being a bit more of a stay-at-home-mum, but I appreciate that this family were so important to Sausages.

Finally, it wouldn't be a Wailliewaillie post without a bit of baking, and tonight I'm making sourdough hot dog buns for the boys, but here's a little treat: Husband made us all scotch pancakes for second breakfast!

I love that man-cooking, that involves buckets of research and the employment of seven different pieces of technical equipment. He's got the skills though. Soon I'll show you the small miracle he has effected in my kitchen, but that will have to wait until I manage some nice pictures. Look forward to it though!

Who does the baking in your house? Do you and your partner have different styles of cooking? Husband is very precise. He weighs and measures everything. I'm more of a wooden spoon, bit of this bit of that cook. It makes sense to me that women tend to be cooks and men tend to be chefs. What do you think?



  1. Those pancakes look delicious! And I thought the same about Friday night knitting club, I couldn't have brought myself to read #2! You must be a fast reader though!

  2. Those pancakes do look delicious, lucky I already decided that I was going to whip some up for my lunch before I go to work.
    My thoughts exactly on Friday Night Knitting Club and all other craft related fiction I have read, too much personal minutae and not enough social creating.
    Cute Milo - lovely colour for a little one.

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