Sunday, 10 March 2013

Mother's day weekend

This weekend has been a quiet, peaceful one in the bungalow. Husband made it out into the garden despite the snow. The birdies have been visiting Sausages' bird table a lot! Husband has continued to enjoy planning his new garden/self-sufficiency drive. I'm hoping all this planning and ambition will result in lots of lovely fresh food! We have been increasing our proficiency in growing-our-own over the last couple of years, although I admit Husband does 90% of the work.

The boys have been busy together putting together our new wardrobe, so we can finally put away all the clothes that have sat on our bedroom floor since we moved in a months ago. When Sausages saw daddy hard at work he had to get his tools out and join in. Such a helpful boy! He's also enjoying his World Book Day book; an author and characters that we know and love well from my own childhood. It's so nice to see Sausages loving the same stories.

There has also been home baking and knitting for me:

My usual sourdough, made with pumpkin seeds this week for variation. The sourdough provides all of our bread, and we have hardly bought any since my lovely Mother in Law gave me the starter. In the spirit of my mother, a great anthropomorphist, our starter is called Honore after the patron saint of bread. There are a few projects recently finished and awaiting making-up. I have to be in the right mood to make-up, don't you? In the meantime I have cast on the first of two long tops for two lovely little girls using yarn left behind by their great grandmother, which I consider to be a privilege. It also gives me an excuse to indulge in the pink and girly, which I need sometimes! The greenish jumper is for Sausages, as are most of my projects. I love to wrap my boy in hand-knitted love!

This morning I had a special mother's day lie-in. I could hear the boys whispering outside the bedroom door. Suddenly, Sausages bursts in wielding the card that he made with his childminder. "Happy birthday!" he cried, as Husband smacked his forehead in the background. Nice try daddy! Happy mother's day to all of you, be you mothers, step-mothers, supporters of mothers, or loved as mothers.


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